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CDRv5 Architecture

image for CDRV5 Achitecture
The CDRv5 solution is based on three major components:
  1. CDR/CPM sources
    CDRv5 sources provide Call Progress Messages (CPMs) and Call Detail Records (CDRs) in various formats. CDRv5 can accommodate different sources and formats based on SIP, SS7 and flat text files.

  2. CDRv5 Server
    CDRv5 Server collects and stores call records in a high performance storage system increasing the call volume performance. Each site needs one CDRv5 Server.

  3. CDRv5 Client
    CDRv5 Client connects to the CDRv5 Server and synchronizes call records into a MS-SQL database called the CDRv5 Database. Each CDRv5 Client can have its own CDRv5 Database for high performance requirements or could connect to an existing external CDRv5 Database updated by an external and separate CDRv5 Client.

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