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Installation and Configuration – CDRv5 Client

image for CDRV5 Client Installation Instruction
  1. Obtain the ZIP containing the CDRv5Client programs. Normally the file is downloaded from the download page.
  2. Create a new folder on your computer where to extract the ZIP files. Note that the folder name and location cannot be changed. For example: "C:\CDRv5Client"
  3. Extract the ZIP files into the new folder.
  4. The package contains a file called "CDRv5Client.EXE". This application is all you need to configure, monitor and use the application:
    • Optionally, you can create a shortcut and place it on your desktop. Right-click on "CDRv5Client.EXE" and click on "Create shortcut". Move the shortcut on the desktop.
    • Optionally, you can pin "SiteAdminVCL.EXE" to the taskbar. Right-click on "CDRv5Client.EXE" and click on "Pin to Taskbar"
    • Optionally, you can pin to the Start menu. Right-click on "CDRv5Client.EXE" and click on "Pin to Start"
  5. CDRv5 Customer Server Software Package: This package consists of a set of files required to run the CDRv5 Customer Server software.
  6. A license file and a license key: The license file will be named "TrillysSystemsCdrServer_Ent_XX_XX.INI" where "XX" are unique identifiers. The license key is a string formatted as "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX". You should have received it separately. Note that you will also receive other license files/keys for other components. The license file name prefixes are different for every product.
  7. Administrative Privileges: You must have administrative privileges and be able to install services.
NOTE: Uninstalling the application requires you to 1) uninstall the service and 2) delete the folder.

Initial Configuration Procedures (Getting Started) The first time CDRv5 Client launches; it will go through the connectivity wizard. This will guide you for the initial configuration process. The wizard will allow you to set basic configuration parameters. Any parameter can also be reconfigured later.
  1. Step 1 will scan the local area network for available CDRv5 Server(s). You can select the server you want from the list. If no server is shown, you can type the IP address of the anticipated CDRv5 server. Click "OK" to accept the change, or click "Skip"
  2. Step 2 will scan the local area network for any existing MS-SQL servers and any existing CDRv5 Database. The list will show the SQL server and will put a check mark against the servers that host a CDRv5 Database. NOTE: The list may be incomplete because SQL servers may not advertise their presence. You have many choices:
    • Use an existing CDRv5 Database
    • Install "SQL Server 2014" before continuing. This requires you to have purchased and obtained MS-SQL 2014 installation kit.
    • Install "SQL Express 2014" which is distributed with this application. SQL Express 2014 is limited to 10GB of storage and can be used with low volume of call records.
    • Once you have automatically or manually configured a MS-SQL Server, you can use the "Create CDRv5 Database on Selected Server" to create an empty database.
  3. Step 3 - create a CDRv5 database requires that you provide the proper security credentials and click on "Create Database".

Understanding Database Ownership
Each CDRv5 Database has an "owner" computer. The owner computer is the only computer that can update the database with new CDR and CPM records. Other computers can only use the database for query purposes. The owner computer can also perform database administration tasks such as defining new users.

Understanding Database Security
The MS-SQL security model supports Database security, Operating System security, or mixed mode (both). Your database administrator would have setup the security model when the MS-SQL Server was installed. The CDRv5 Client software supports all MS-SQL security models. However, it is important to understand that the application will use a "mirror” username in its own security model.

In other words, the CDRv5 Users table will have a user entry with a user name identical to the OS username. This is the name that is used by the CDRv5 application to manage the application privilege and access. The database can also be shared with other users by adding their username in the CDRv5 Database Users table. The actual database access must also be configured to authorize a user to access the database.

In summary, the security is a two step process: 1) authorize a domain user to access MS-SQL server using its own security configuration and 2) configuring the CDRv5 Database Users table to allow access to its data.

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