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CDRv5 Client – Queried Report - Call Completion


Queried CDR Call Completion Report
Field Description Data Source*
Total Calls Total number of CDRs– all Statuses. SS7 / SIP
Calls Incomplete Total number of CDRs with Status other than “CMP”. SS7 / SIP
Calls Completed Number of CDRs with Status "CMP". SS7 / SIP
% Calls Completed Number of Calls Completed expressed as a percentage of Total Calls. SS7 / SIP
% Calls Incomplete Number of Calls Incomplete expressed as a percentage of Total Calls. SS7 / SIP
Total Call Duration Sum of call duration (in seconds) for all CDRs with Status “CMP”. SS7 / SIP
Average Call Duration Average talking duration (in seconds) of all CDRs with Status "CMP", computed as: Total Call Duration/Calls Completed. SS7 / SIP
Total Unique Callers Total number of callers calling from a unique originating number. SS7 / SIP
Unique Callers Served Number of unique callers with CDR Status "CMP". SS7 / SIP
Unique Callers Not Served Number of unique callers with CDR Status "BSY", "NOA", or "ERR". SS7 / SIP
% Unique Callers Served Number of Unique Callers Served expressed as a percentage of Total Unique Callers. SS7 / SIP
% Unique Callers Not Served Number of Unique Callers Not Served expressed as a percentage of Total Unique Callers. SS7 / SIP
Served on 1st Call Number of Unique Callers whose calls were completed successfully on the first attempt. SS7 / SIP
% Served on 1st Call Number of Unique Callers whose calls were answered successfully on the first attempt, as a percentage of total calls. SS7 / SIP
*Billing records only contain completed calls. Therefore, incomplete call information is not available and not taken in consideration in the calculations.

Queried Summary Records Call Completion Report
Field Description Data Source*
Total Calls Total number of CDRs– all Statuses. SS7 / SIP
Calls Incomplete Total number of CDRs with Status other than “CMP”. SS7 / SIP
Calls Completed Number of CDRs with Status "CMP". SS7 / SIP
% Calls Completed Number of Calls Completed expressed as a percentage of Total Calls. SS7 / SIP
% Calls Incomplete Number of Calls Incomplete expressed as a percentage of Total Calls. SS7 / SIP
Total Call Duration Sum of call duration (in seconds) for all CDRs SS7 / SIP
Average Call Duration Average talking duration (in seconds) of all CDRs with Status “CMP”, computed as: Total Call Duration / Calls Completed SS7 / SIP
*Billing records only contain completed calls. Therefore, incomplete call information is not available and not taken in consideration in the calculations.

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