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CDRv5 Server Architecture

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CDRv5Collector is a set of Windows programs that sniff VoIP telephone network and generates Call Details Records (CDRs) and Call Progress Messages (CPMs) that can be forwarded to the CDRv5 reporting software.

Hardware Installation

  • Install network sniffing devices (probes) on the telephone network. This could be 1) a mirrored port on a switch, 2) a network tapping device or 2) a dumb network hub.
  • Install a Windows computer with three network cards. Connect each probe to the computer network card. Note the 3rd network card will be used to provide a feed to the CDRv5 reporting software.
    • Server class hardware is recommended
    • Windows 7 or later
    • Hard drive space of 30MB for the programs plus 600MB per million calls.

Software Installation


  • Download CDRv5Collector package (e.g.; CdrV5Collector_xxxxxxxxx.ZIP): This package consists of a set of files required to run the CDRv5Collector
  • A license file and a license key: The license file will be named 'CDRv5Collector_xxxxxxxxx.INI' where 'xxxxx' are unique identifier. The license key is a string formatted as 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX'. You should have received it separately. Note that you will also receive other license files/keys for the other components. The license file name prefixes are different for every product.
  • Administrative Privileges: You must have administrative privileges and be able to install services.


  • Obtain the ZIP containing the CDRv5Collector programs. Normally the file is downloaded from download page.
  • Create a new folder on your computer where to extract the ZIP files. Note that the folder name and location cannot be changed. For example: 'C:\CDRv5Collector'
  • Extract the ZIP files into the new folder.
  • The package contains a file called "CDRv5Collector.EXE". This application is all you need to configure, monitor and use the application:
    • Optionally, you can create a shortcut and place it on your desktop. Right-click on "CDRv5Collector.EXE" and click on "Create shortcut". Move the shortcut on the desktop.
    • Optionally, you can pin "SiteAdminVCL.EXE" to the taskbar. Right-click on "CDRv5Collector.EXE" and click on "Pin to Taskbar".
    • Optionally, you can pin to Start menu. Right-click on "CDRv5Collector.EXE" and click on "Pin to Start".



  • Launch "CDRv5Collector.EXE".
  • Click on "Configuration" tab sheet.
  • Setup Licence:
    • Click "1 - Import License File" and select the INI file that you downloaded.
    • Type or paste the license key in the "2 - Enter License Key" edit field.
    • Click "3 - Validate and Save".
    • The License indicator on the dashboard will turn green if everything is correct.
  • Install CDRv5Collector Service (CdrV5Collector Service box)
    • Click "Install CDRv5Collector Service".
    • Later, after you complete the configuration for network probe and feed, Click "Start CDRv5Collector Service"
  • Setup network probes
    • Under Network Probes, click "Configure Network Probes".
    • Select the network cards that you have connected to the probes. Use command prompt "ipconfig" and the system network configuration to correlate the network cards to the IP addresses in the list.
  • Setup single feed (If you are serving a single organization).
    • Under "Feed(s)", click "Configure".
    • Select the IP address used as the CDR/CPM feed.
    • Setup the connection credentials used by your users to receive the feed data. That is "Username", port and passstring.
    • If you intend to use this feed to server the CDRv5Dashboard mobile application, select "Serve CDRv5 Dashboard App". If selected, the system will keep statistics information.
    • For crypto configuration, you can use the default unless you wish to manage your own security certificates.
    • Click on "Commit All Updates.
  • Setup multiple feeds if you are a service provider or a telco and you need to partition the reporting among several end-users of the CDRv5 repoting tool.
    • Under "Feed(s) ", click "Configure".
    • Click on "Multiple Feeds".
    • For each end-client that you are serving:
      • Add a new client profile.
      • Setup the connection credentials used by your users to receive the feed data. That is "Username", port and passstring.
      • Select the ip address used to serve this specific client.
      • Select "Server CDRv4Dashboard " App if you provide this feature to your client.
      • For crypto configuration, you can use the default unless you wish to manage your own security certificates.
      • Type the "Dialed Numbers to Forward" in the list. These are the numbers that you have sold to this client.
      • Cick "Add" or "Update".
      • Click on "Commit All Updates.

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