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CDRv5 Client – Data Synchronization

image for CDRV5 client data synchronization summary
CDRv5 Database Administration Overview

Use "Home > Data Recovery" to navigate to the data recovery / synchronization configuration and monitoring page. This page is accessible to only the database "owners". That is if your computer is allowed to update the CDRv5 Database.

CDRv5 Client will receive real-time CDRs and CPMs as calls are processed. It will also receive CDRs and CPMs that result from the synchronization process. These call records were stored in the CDRv5 Server backups file while the CDRv5 Client was down or unreachable. As the connection is established the synchronization process takes place.

Maximum Recovery Duration

You can configure the maximum recovery duration using the "Max Recovery Period (days)" option. This value specifies how far back (in days) you will recover and synchronize your database with the data stored in the CDRv5 Server.

Call Record Synchronization

The synchronization process starts automatically when the CDRv5 Client is launched. The dashboard shows the enabled synchronization icon indicating "synchronization in progress". If you selected "Home > Connectivity > Service > Use Service", the CDRv5 Database will be updated as long as the "owner" computer is on.

The feed recovery monitoring list shows the status of the recovery process. Each feed (call record source) connected to the CDRv5 Server stores CDR and CPM data in hourly files. This data is recovered sequentially – each hour or each data type for each feed.

You can cancel the recovery process at any time by clicking "Cancel Recovery". If you do so, your reports will not include some call records.

Understanding the Record Flow and the Queues

The Data Management receives CDRs and CPMs from the real-time source in priority. It also processes the CDRs and CPMs that are recovered from the synchronization process. This data originates from the hourly backup files located on the CDRv5 Server.

CDRs are stored in a CDR queue. CPMs are stored in a CPM queue. When the queue reaches approximately 20% of its capacity, the synchronization is paused to give priority to the real-time call records. The synchronization process resumes when the queue returns to a low size. The benefit of the queue is to process bursts of call records when the receive rate is higher than the database insert rate. The queue size set in the "Home > Database" (and shown on top of the queue) will determine how long the burst can last.

Note: If the queue peak reaches 80%, consider to increase its size. The queue will consume system memory and the rate of approximately 240 bytes per record.
Note: The CPM queue is automatically set to twice the size of the CDR queue. You cannot adjust this value.

Data Management Statistics

The recovery / synchronization process is implemented by the Data Management module (client-server). Click on "Refresh Statistics" to see the current values. Select "Automatic Refresh" for automatic refresh.

These statistics give you an overview of the database performance and provide insight in monitoring and configuring queue size. The following list describes the meaning of the various fields.

Field Description
Received Total number of CDRs and CPMs received and processed.
Saved Total number of CDRs and CPMs that were saved in the CDRv5 Database.
Dropped Total number of CDRs and CPMs dropped because those records were already in the database. This is a result of the synchronization process.
Recovered Total number of CDRs and CPMs received from the recovery / synchronization processed.
DB Insert Rate Number of record per second added to the database.
This value provides high level measurement of the MS-SQL performance.
CDR and CPM Queues Current shows the current queue utilization. The exact number will be displayed when the mouse cursor hovers over the gauge.
Peak shows the highest queue utilization since the start of ‘TrillysCdrService’.

Refer to "Understanding the Record Flow and the Queues" for more information

Note: Current queue used = Received – (Saved + Dropped)

Convenience Features

In the rare case when the Data Management (DM) connection would fail, the dashboard would turn on a red signal and the "Connect DM Server" button will become enabled. Click on it to re-start the DM connection. Alternatively, you can restart the CDRv5 Client application.

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