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CDRv5 Client – Database Administration

image for CDRV5 client database administration summary
CDRv5 Database Administration Overview

If your computer is the "owner" of the database and if you have administrative privileges, you can manage the CDRv5 Database. By default, when you install a new CDRv5 database, you are automatically added as a CDRv5 Database administrator and you have full access to all records in the database. If  you share the database, you will need to perform database administrative tasks and have a basic understanding of the database structure.

Understanding Database Security (Authentication)

The MS-SQL security model supports Database security, Operating System security or mixed mode (both). Your database administrator would have setup the security model when the MS-SQL Server was installed. The CDRv5 Client software supports all MS-SQL security models.

Additionally, the database computer owner must add your Windows username in its CDRv5 User table and give you the desired CDRv5 access privileges. Otherwise, you will not be able to logon or query the database.

However, it is important to understand that the application will use a "mirror” username in its own security model. In other words, the CDRv5 Users table will have a user entry with a user name identical to the OS username. This is the name that is used by the CDRv5 application to manage the application privilege and access. The database can also be shared with other users by adding their username in the CDRv5 Database Users table. Nevertheless, the actual database access must also be configured to authorize a user to access the database.

In summary, the security is a two-step process: 1) authorize a domain user to access MS-SQL server using its own security configuration and 2) configuring the CDRv5 Database Users table to allow access to its data.

Understanding the Data Basic Model

CDRv5 Table Description
  • Defines dialed and terminating number access privileges.
  • Users will be given a role which will determine their privileges.
  • Manages the list of users that can use the CDRv5 Database.
  • Assign a role defined in the ‘Roles’ table to define the user’s access privileges to the CDRv5 Database records.
  • Administrative Privileges gives access to the CDRv5 Database administration.
    Note: The Password field is not used as it has been replaced by the MS-SQL security model. You can leave this field blank.
    Note: The E-mail field will be used to send notifications to users.
    IMPORTANT: The username has to be exactly the same as the users Windows username identifier. The system uses that string to link the MS-SQL mix mode security to the CDRv5 Database privileges.
Dialed (TF) # Used to edit the available dialed number list and assign English and French alias to each number.
Terminating # Used to edit the available Terminating number list and assign English and French alias to each number.
Dialed (TF) Group Used to create dialed number groups that put together sets of associated dialed numbers. The group can be used in querying and generating reports.
Terminating Group Used to create Terminating groups that put together sets of associated terminating numbers. The group can be used in querying and generating reports.
Caller Region Used to define geographical regions by specifying sets of originating numbers.

Accessing the Database Administration Features

Navigate to Home to locate the Database Administration group.


The following features are available:
  • Click "+" to add a role. Click "-" to delete a role.
  • Edit the role name in the in the grid under the "Role Name" column or in the "Role Name" edit box.
  • Optionally, add a user-friendly description to the role in the "Role Description" box.
  • Check the "Can View All Dialed Numbers" to give full access or select the "Dialed Numbers" tab on the right panel and select individual numbers that can be viewed by that role.
  • Check the "Can View All Terminating Numbers" to give full access or select the "Terminating Numbers" tab on the right panel and select individual numbers that can be viewed by that role.


The following features are available:
  • Click "+" to add a user. Click "-" to delete a CDRv5 User. Note: You cannot delete your own record.
  • The username should be the same as the Windows username credentials. This name is used to map the MS-SQL logon credentials with the CDRv5 Database privileges.
  • Select "Administrative Privileges" to give the selected user administrative privileges over the CDRv5 Database.

Dialed & Terminating Alias Tables

For either Dialed or Terminating table you can give an alias to each number. By default, the alias is the number itself.

Dialed & Terminating Group Tables

Grouping numbers allows the user to group selected numbers as one entity for the purpose of querying the database and generating reports. You can create Dialed Groups and Terminating Groups. First create the group record in the left panel, and then add the numbers belonging to the group in the right panel. Numbers can be entered in the grid without formatting symbols such as dashes and parenthesis.

Caller Regions Table

A caller region is a set of numbers that represents anything from a large geographical region to a specific caller. On the left panel, you can name a region in English and an alternate language. Caller regions are used in querying and generating reports.The caller region is represented by a list of numbers followed by a wildcard character. For example, Mexico would be represented by "52*". The U.S. State of Idaho would be represented by two numbers: "208*" and "986*". You can also be very specific and provide full phone numbers. If the wildcard is omitted, the caller region is the exact number.

To create a pre-defined list of caller regions, select a specific set of caller regions in the "Pre-Defined Caller Regions" and click add "Pre-Defined Caller Regions".


The Associations table correlates the dialed number to the terminating numbers that were associated in the CDR and CPM tables.


The Feeds table lists the sources used to populate the CDR and CPM tables.

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