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CDRv5 Server Service Status

image for CDRV5 server service status

The purpose of this page is to monitor the system activity and manage the "TrillysCdrService".

Configuration (Read-only)

The configuration section indicates where the configuration file is located. This information could be useful for troubleshooting and support.

Service Manager

This section provides "TrillysCdrService" monitoring and configuration ability.

The Service Manager section provides information about the status of "TrillysCdrService" service. The service reports some statistics (start time, stop time and its state). Windows reports the service status at the operating system level. In general, the service and Windows should provide the same status. Any other condition would provide insight about the sanity of the software.

Note that the symbol is a reminder that Administrative privilege is required to perform these functions. The dashboard will report if this is the case:

If not, you can quickly restart the SiteAdminVcl.exe to run as administrator by clicking the following button:


The "Connectors" section provides statistics on the CDRv5 Server modules connectivity and communications

This section provides a complete view on how many CDRv5 Clients are currently connected to the server and provides an overview of the activity and network traffic used by CDRv5.

CDR Feeds

The "CDR Feeds" section provides an overview of the status of the feeds.

The "Number of configured feeds" shows how many feeds were configured in the "Feeds > Configuration" page.

The "Number of feeds started" indicates how many feeds are currently operational. If this number is not as expected, you should investigate the cause and repair the problem. Otherwise, you will risk losing call record information and the real-time reporting will not work properly.

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