The primary purpose of the CDRv5 Server is to provide services to the CDRv5 Clients connected to it. These services are provided via the following modules:
- Real-time: Forward CDRs and CPMs in real-time to create the real-time reports.
- Data Management: Provides data synchronization services when the CDRv5 Clients connect and forward CDR/CPM record to the CDRv5 Client to update their MS-SQL CDRv5 Databases.
- License Management: Provide licenses to enable CDRv5 Client software.
- Software Management: Provide software management service to the CDRv5 Client(s).
- Auto Discovery: Provides configuration data to CDRv5 Clients discovery feature. This feature simplifies the CDRv5 Client configuration process.
To configure the IP addresses properly, you must ensure that your CDRv5 Client are connected to the same local area network and that the traffic on the ports you specified will be allowed by your network.
The default ports (RT-15001, DM-15002, LM-15003, SW-15004, AD-15010) are the best choice because they are the defaults used in the CDRv5 Client application. If you change the defaults, you should inform each CDRv5 Client user.
This is important for the Auto Discovery configuration because the CDRv5 Clients will be able to automatically obtain the rest of the configuration information if they can reach the Auto Discovery server.
If you plan to implement only one CDRv5 Client on the same computer, you can use the localhost address Otherwise, you should pick another IP address that represents the subnet used by the CDRv5 Client computers.
You should not use IP addresses starting with 169.254.*.* as they are reserved IP addresses.
Windows Firewall group box provides a quick check of the rules setup in the Windows Firewall. Click on "Check CDRv5 Rules" to detect potential firewall configuration problems.
Software Update Web Site configures the default web site used by menu item "Tasks > Update Software". The default Web Site for Software Update requires Internet access for secure protocol (HTTPS). Your firewall should allow this traffic. If not possible, software updates can be distributed as files served by your intranet.